Main Gate and Venue | Miss Exhibition Pageant | Outstanding Booth Design

Photo Album

  Main Gate and Venue
The main gate of the 4th Exhibition (1940)
The main gate of the 2nd Exhibition (1939)
Bird's-eye view on the venue of the 7th Exhibition (1949)
Bird's-eye view on the venue of the 6th Exhibition (1948)
The main gate of the 8th Exhibition (1950)
The main gate of the 9th Exhibition (1951)
The main gate of the 11th Exhibition (1953)
The main gate of the 12th Exhibition (1954)
The main gate of the 13th Exhibition (1955)
The main gate of the 14th Exhibition (1956)
Bird's-eye View on the venue of the 15th Exhibition (1957)
The main gate of the 16th Exhibition (1958)
The main gate of the 17th Exhibition (1959) at night
The main gate of the 19th Exhibition (1961)
The main gate of the 20th Exhibition (1962)
The main gate of the Silver Jubilee Exhibition (1967)
Bird's-eye View on the venue of the 27th Exhibition (1969)
The main gate of the 28th Exhibition (1970) at night
The main gate of the 30th Exhibition (1972)
The main gate of the 31st Exhibition (1973)
Bird's-eye View on the venue of the 32nd Exhibition (1994)
The main gate of the 33rd Exhibition (1998)
The main gate of the 34th Exhibition (1999)
The main gate of the 35th Exhibition (2000)
The main gate of the 36th Exhibition (2001)
The main gate of the 37th Exhibition (2002)
The main gate of the 38th Exhibition (2003)
The main gate of the 41st Exhibition (2006)
The main gate of the 42nd Exhibition (2007)
The main gate of the 43rd Exhibition (2008)
The main gate of the 44th Exhibition (2009)
The main gate of the 45th Exhibition (2010)
The main gate of the 46th Exhibition (2011)
The main gate of the 47th Exhibition (2012)
        The main entrance of the
        48th HKBPE (2013)
              The main entrance of the
              49th HKBPE (2014)

The main entrance of the 50th HKBPE (2015)

The main entrance of the 51th HKBPE(2016)