Main Gate and Venue | Miss Exhibition Pageant | Outstanding Booth Design

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Outstanding Booth Design

The booth of China Paint Mfg. Co., Ltd. at the 6th Exhibition (1948).


The booth of The Oriental Soy & Canning Co., Ltd. at the 6th Exhibition (1948).


The booth of Keen Sang Brick Works, Ltd. at the 9th Exhibition (1951).


The first runner-up of Best Stall Display of the 11th Exhibition (1953): Amoy Canning Corporation (HK) Ltd.


Tak Chuen Wine Store won the championship of Best Stall Display of the 11th Exhibition (1953).


Winner of Decoration Contest of the 17th Exhibition (1959).

The second runner-up of Best Stall Display Competition of the 11th Exhibition (1953): The National Lacquer and Paint Products Co. Ltd.