Main Gate and Venue | Miss Exhibition Pageant | Outstanding Booth Design

15 - 31 (1957 - 1993) || 32 (1994) || 33 (1998) || 38 (2003) ||
41 (2006) || 42 (2007) || 43 (2008) || 44 (2009) || 45 (2010) ||
46 (2011) || 47 (2012) || 48 (2013) || 49 (2014) || 50 (2015) ||
51 (2016) ||

Miss Exhibition Pageant
  Miss Exhibition Pageant - (32nd)

Winners of the Miss Exhibition Pageant of the 32nd Exhibition (1994): the champion Ms Fiona Yu of Hong Kong International Knitwear Mfg. Co., the first runner-up Ms Roy Hui of Diamond Gold Ltd., the second runner-up Ms Men Qing Hua of Beijing Tong Ren Tang Medicine (HK) Ltd.

The contestants of Miss Exhibition Pageant of the 32nd Exhibition (1994) first met the media, and had a group photo with CMA President Mr Herbert Liang (middle, front row); Vice -Presidents Mr Leung Nai Wing (2nd from left, front row), Mr Yip Hing Chung (2nd from right, front row); General Committee members Mr Lo Man Tuen (1st from left, front row) and Mr Fung Yuen Hon (1st from right, front row).

Ms Jessie Ng, with her glamourous smile, became Miss Exhibition of the 32nd Exhibition (1994) in the eyes of the contestants 16 Contestants of the Miss Exhibition Pageant of the 32nd Exhibition (1994) posed for a photo before the opening of the exhibition.

Six finalists of the Miss Exhibition Pageant of the 32nd Exhibition (1994) posed for a photo with CMA Vice-President Mr Yip Hing Chung (3rd from right, front row), General Committee members Mr Lo Man Tuen (1st from left, front row), Mr Fung Yuen Hon (2nd from right, front row) and some of the judges