Main Gate and Venue | Miss Exhibition Pageant | Outstanding Booth Design

15 - 31 (1957 - 1993) || 32 (1994) || 33 (1998) || 38 (2003) ||
41 (2006) || 42 (2007) || 43 (2008) || 44 (2009) || 45 (2010) ||
46 (2011) || 47 (2012) || 48 (2013) | 49 (2014) || 50 (2015) ||
51 (2016) ||

Miss Exhibition Pageant
  Miss Exhibition Pageant - (32nd)


Three title-winners of the Miss Exhibition Pageant of the 32nd Exhibition (1994) answered questions raised by the masters of ceremony.


Winners of the Miss Exhibition Pageant of the 32nd Exhibition (1994) posed for a photo with CMA President Mr and Mrs Herbert Liang (4th from right and 2nd from right), Vice-President Mr and Mrs Yip Hing Chung (4th from left and 3rd from left), Executive Committee member Mr Jose Yu (1st from right) and General Committee member Mr Lo Man Tuen (1st from left).


Winners of the Miss Exhibition Pageant of the 32nd Exhibition(1994) posed for a photo with CMA Executive and General Committees members after the prize presentation ceremony.

CMA President Mr Herbert Liang (top), Vice-Presidents Mr Leung Nai Wing (middle) and Mr Yip Hing Chung (below) crowned the title-winners of the Miss Exhibition Pageant of the 32nd Exhibition (1994).


CMA General Committee member Mr Lo Man Tuen (left) presented a $150,000 cash prize to the champion of the Miss Exhibition Pageant of the 32nd Exhibition (1994) Ms Fiona Yu (right).