Main Gate and Venue | Miss Exhibition Pageant | Outstanding Booth Design

15 - 31 (1957 - 1993) || 32 (1994) || 33 (1998) || 38 (2003) ||
41 (2006) || 42 (2007) || 43 (2008) || 44 (2009) || 45 (2010) ||
46 (2011) || 47 (2012) || 48 (2013) || 49 (2014) || 50 (2015) ||
51 (2016) ||

Miss Exhibition Pageant
  Miss Exhibition Pageant - (33rd in Guangzhou)


Winners of the Miss Exhibition Pageant of the 33rd Exhibition (1998) in Hong Kong: the champion Ms Yvonne Hung of Chevalier Group, the first runner-up Ms Cat Wong of Neo-Fantastic Fashions Ltd., the second runner-up Ms Virginia Sit of Hoe Hin Pak Fah Yeow Mfy. Ltd.


The contestants of Miss Exhibition Pageant of the 33rd Exhibition (1998) in Hong Kong posed for a photo with CMA Vice-President Mr Lo Man Tuen (1st from left) and five judges.


The contestants of Miss Exhibition Pageant of the 33rd Exhibition (1998) in Hong Kong met with the media at the first press conference.


Eight contestants of the Miss Exhibition Pageant of the 33rd Exhibition (1998) in Hong Kong posed for a photo with CMA President, Vice-Presidents and General Committee members.