Main Gate and Venue | Miss Exhibition Pageant | Outstanding Booth Design

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Outstanding Booth Design

With its creative design, Nin Jiom Medicine Mfy. (HK) Ltd. won the Championship of the Booth Design Competition of the 33rd Exhibition (1998).


The first runner-up of Booth Design Competition of the 33rd Exhibition (1998): Hoe Hin Pak Fah Yeow Mfy. Ltd.


The second runner-up of Booth Design Competition of the 33rd Exhibition (1998): Airland Enterprise Co. Ltd.


The first runner-up of Booth Design Competition of the 34th Exhibition (1999): German Pool (HK) Ltd.

With its creative design, Hong Kong Productivity Council won the championship of Booth Design Competition of the 34th Exhibition (1999).


The second runner-up of Booth Design Competition of the 34th Exhibition (1999): Hoe Hin Pak Fah Yeow Mfy. Ltd.